In these economic times, everyone is looking to save money somewhere. The national auto insurance companies keep promoting all kinds of “discounts”. You want to save money but be sure you understand how the different coverages are used and how much you will actually save. Before you renew your Massachusetts auto policy this year, you...Read More
A car accident can happen in the blink of an eye. Do you know what you are entitled to if you are injured and decide to proceed with a car accident claim? It is so important to understand your rights, and as personal injury attorneys, we are here to help. Here are five things to...Read More
Over the past 32 years, we have represented hundreds of clients who have been injured in motorcycle accidents. There is no such thing as a “fender bender” when a motorcycle is involved. If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, you will more than likely sustain a personal injury. We have represented clients who have...Read More
As life slowly starts returning to normal, the roads are more dangerous than ever. More people are going back to work, more people have places to be, and more people just want to get out of their homes. Add to that the constant texting and driving, it makes for a scary situation. For the elderly...Read More
I am obviously kidding here! PLEASE DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE! Every day, almost 30 people in the United States die in drunk–driving crashes—that’s one person every 48 minutes in 2017. Fortunately, these deaths have fallen by 1/3 in the last 30 years. This is according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. However, drunk-driving crashes claim more...Read More
Do I have your attention now? I am only kidding. DO NOT TEXT AND DRIVE! Over the last decade as a personal injury attorney I have seen an alarming increase in the number of car accident cases that were caused by a driver who was texting. From someone who has seen first-hand the horrific results...Read More
After experiencing a terrible accident or fall, the last thing you want to be worrying about is the logistics of what “filing a personal injury claim” actually means. When filing such a claim, there are many grey areas that can often get confusing and overwhelming. In such a stressful moment in your life, it’s so important...Read More
Whenever you are in an accident, your mind is definitely in other places- Now what? Who do I call? Am I hurt? How much is this going to cost me? The questions you ask yourself are endless. However, if there is one thing that I want my readers, family, friends, and clients to think of...Read More
Most people live with the mentality that bad things can never happen to them, but the shocking truth is that automobile accidents can happen to anyone at any time, regardless of whose fault it may be. It does not matter your class, ethnicity, race or sex, these types of accidents are strikingly more common than you...Read More
Self-driving cars are slowly but surely on the rise, but what does that mean for us- as consumers, as pedestrians, as drivers, as lawyers? The video below will give a brief introduction to Google’s new Self-Driving Car Project. The original intent of these vehicles was to reduce traffic accidents, reduce congestion, and increase safety on...Read More