It is estimated that there is a car accident every 61 seconds per day in the United States. Chances are at some point in your life, you will be involved in an auto accident as a driver, passenger, or pedestrian. If you are injured, it’s important that you know your rights and what you are entitled to. You may have a lot of questions as to who will pay your bills, which insurance company will pay for the damage to your car, who will reimburse you for lost wages, and how much are you entitled to recover. Having a dedicated car accident attorney on your side makes all the difference.
With over 32 years of experience specializing in personal injury law, we will help you answer these questions and will fight for you. The accident and your injuries were not your fault and you are entitled to be compensated for the payment of reasonable medical expenses, lost wages, pain, suffering, aggravation, and inconvenience the accident caused you.
In order to bring a claim for damages, the laws in Massachusetts have certain requirements. Contact the Law Offices of Robert D. Ahearn today to learn more about your rights and how an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you. You will pay nothing unless we win the case!
Contact us today for a free consultation!